Вопрос: Где необходимо вставить пропущенные предлоги to? Ответ: 1) his brother can play football. 2) mel and ted like

Вопрос: Где необходимо вставить пропущенные предлоги to?

Ответ: 1) his brother can play football. 2) mel and ted like to ride their bikes. 3) nelly likes to go to school. she can speak french. 4) my parents like to swim in the swimming pool. 5) dogs can run and run.

Ответ на вопрос:

1) his brother can play football.
Answer: his brother can play football too.

Explanation: The preposition «to» is not needed in this sentence. The sentence is complete and makes sense without it.

2) mel and ted like to ride their bikes.
Answer: mel and ted like to ride their bikes together.

Explanation: In this sentence, the preposition «together» can be added after «their bikes» to specify that they enjoy riding bikes as a group.

3) nelly likes to go to school. she can speak french.
Answer: nelly likes to go to school to learn. she can speak french.

Explanation: In this sentence, the preposition «to learn» can be added after «to school» to clarify the reason why Nelly likes going to school.

4) my parents like to swim in the swimming pool.
Answer: my parents like to swim in the swimming pool during summer.

Explanation: In this sentence, the preposition «during summer» can be added after «swimming pool» to specify the time period when the parents enjoy swimming.

5) dogs can run and run.
Answer: dogs can run and run for hours.

Explanation: In this sentence, the preposition «for hours» can be added after the second «run» to indicate the duration for which dogs can run continuously.

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