II. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Many people care for stray cats. 2. If I were rich, I would donate a large sum of

II. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Many people care for stray cats.
2. If I were rich, I would donate a large sum of money to charity.
3. Maria said she is currently taking a design class at the university.
4. You mustnt litter in the park; its against the law.
5. If we dont stop deforestation, we will lose the rainforests.
6. The boys recently spotted a peculiar creature in…

Ответ на вопрос:

the woods.
7. My grandfather served in the army during World War II.
8. The teacher explained the lesson clearly, so we all understood.
9. It is important to recycle to help protect the environment.
10. The concert last night was amazing; the band played all of their hit songs.
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