1. Does Katya speak English very well? 2. Does Julie not drink tea very often? 3. Do my parents live in a very small

1. Does Katya speak English very well?
2. Does Julie not drink tea very often?
3. Do my parents live in a very small flat?
4. What time do the banks close here?
5. Does it take me an hour to get to work?
6. Does the earth go round the sun?
7. Does rice not grow in Britain?
8. How often do you play tennis?
9. Does the river Amazon flow into the Atlantic Ocean?
10. Does the sun rise in the east?

Ответ на вопрос:

1. Does Katya speak English very well?
— Yes, Katya speaks English very well. This can be inferred because the question uses the phrase «very well» which suggests a high level of proficiency.

2. Does Julie not drink tea very often?
— No, Julie does not drink tea very often. The use of the phrase «not very often» indicates that drinking tea is not a regular occurrence for Julie.

3. Do my parents live in a very small flat?
— Yes, your parents live in a very small flat. The question uses the phrase «very small» which suggests a limited amount of space.

4. What time do the banks close here?
— The closing time of banks depends on the specific location. You would need to specify a particular place or city to get a specific answer.

5. Does it take me an hour to get to work?
— Yes, it takes me an hour to get to work. The question implies that the speaker’s commute lasts for one hour.

6. Does the earth go round the sun?
— Yes, the earth goes round the sun. This is a scientific fact known as the heliocentric model, where the earth orbits the sun.

7. Does rice not grow in Britain?
— No, rice does not typically grow in Britain. The use of the phrase «not grow» suggests rice cultivation is not common in this geographical region.

8. How often do you play tennis?
— The frequency of playing tennis depends on the individual being asked. You would need to specify how often the person plays or ask for their regular schedule to get a specific answer.

9. Does the river Amazon flow into the Atlantic Ocean?
— Yes, the river Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Amazon River is one of the largest rivers in the world with its mouth located on the Atlantic coast of South America.

10. Does the sun rise in the east?
— Yes, the sun rises in the east. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs daily, with the sun appearing on the eastern horizon and moving towards the west throughout the day.

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