1. What would happen if you had a carpet on the stairs? 2. What would you do if you were to see a snake? 3. What would

1. What would happen if you had a carpet on the stairs?
2. What would you do if you were to see a snake?
3. What would be the result if I lived in the country?
4. What do you need to do if you want to reach the station in time to catch the 8:10 train?
5. Why did I stop him when I saw him going towards the window while sleepwalking?
6. How would she react if she hears the rats running around your attics?
7. Why did the milk not turn sour?
8. What was their situation?

Ответ на вопрос:

curdle when I added lemon juice to it?
8. What would happen if there was no gravity on Earth?
9. What would you do if you found a lost wallet on the street?
10. What would be the outcome if we planted more trees in urban areas?
11. How would you react if someone spilled a drink on your favorite shirt?
12. Why did the cake collapse when I opened the oven door too early?
13. How would you feel if you received a surprise gift from someone?
14. What would happen if you left your phone outside in the rain?
15. What would be the consequence if you didn’t complete your homework on time?
16. How would you react if you saw your favorite celebrity in person?
17. Why did the water boil when I heated it on the stove?
18. What would happen if you ate only junk food for a month?
19. What would you do if you witnessed a car accident?
20. What would be the effect if everyone recycled their waste properly?
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  1. 1. Если у тебя был бы ковер на лестнице, то ты мог бы поскользнуться и упасть.
    2. Что бы ты сделал, если бы увидел змею?
    3. Если бы я жил в деревне, то результатом было бы более спокойная и тихая жизнь.
    4. Что тебе нужно сделать, чтобы успеть на станцию и поймать поезд в 8:10?
    5. Почему я остановил его, когда увидел, что он идет в ту сторону?